OMG! This post must be the first one in English. Well, now I`m preparing my fucking informational analitical report about one of the most popular american company XD So I have to cross a lot of fucking information on english web-sites. God knows how I hate this language sometimes. By the way, this company is.. «McDonald`s».
America-kun would be extremely content with me
But now I`m looking like Igirisu at this pic. =/
Cause it`s very boring, and sometimes I find myself doing everything but not what I must. I`m such a lazy little moron >_ <
And holly shit! - To make things worse I have to hand it the day after tomorrow, but I`ve really done NOTHING yet. I don`t even know how to start. More than that, I can`t find the information i need to use. As usual. Oh yes, I must finish as soon as possible but what am I doing at this moment? Yes, i`m sitting on diary writing this stupid useless post. AS USUAL!
Why can`t I make myself do everything on time?
Well. Now I have no choise T__T
So ease up, take your ass in hands and work, idiot.
lol. Hambaga-streeeeeet