
Это не мусор. Это домик для хомячка (с)
Приблизительно так.
Я эту хрень неделю составляла :emn:
Your ultimate bias

Your favorite OTP

Favorite sub-group

Favorite song

Your Favorite song that was sung on live performance
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Your Favorite album

Your Favorite MV

A SJ Song you know all the words to

A SJ Song that makes you cry

A SJ Song that makes you smile

A picture of your favorite SJ-subgroup

A picture of the member you think has he cutest smile

A picture of the member

A picture of the member you think has the best jawline

Your favorite picture of your bias

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Your favorite dance

Your ideal boyfriend out of all the SJ members

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A SJ Song you never get tired of

Your favorite radio show that is hosted by a SJ Member

@темы: Super Junior, smth korean

13.09.2012 в 15:56

Вау.:wow2: Было очень интересно читать.:shy: *сохраняет Итука с Канином*

Day 29: A SJ Song you never get tired of
Затертый до дыр Мистер Симпл.

О да!:friend2:

Ты стахановец, 30 дней за неделю.:-D
13.09.2012 в 16:20

Это не мусор. Это домик для хомячка (с)
Fancy, у меня никогда не хватает выдержки делать по одному вопросу в день.)))

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